Everything we make comes with a 100-day trial. “When it’s done right, going into the ‘experience economy’ gives people something to talk about, which is obviously important for us as a brand to grow.”,In Stagnant Luxury Market, Luggage Brands Roll On. By now my “THE LARGE ” sand suitcase has already passed few destinations from Ohio to Paris, Vicenza, Venice, Milan and Slovenia and in the mean time I had a chance to form an opinion … The company already publishes a magazine, "Here" and a podcast, "Airplane Mode", part of a mission to create a lifestyle around its product.The pop-up hotel will be a test-run for the brand into what it hopes will be further travel experience ventures.“Before we even launched, we joked with our investors that someday there might even be an Away Airlines,” says Rubio. The fun shades are available in all four of Away’s suitcase sizes, ranging from their standard carry-on to their large checked bag. “As fashion week has become bigger and bigger, it’s not just people from the fashion world that come to experience the events,” she says. For other uses, see,Feldman, A. Due to the brand's celebrity appeal, People dubbed the luggage "the little black dress of luggage" in August 2017. Away is more than just luggage, we thoughtfully design travel products to transform modern travel. Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. The Bigger Carry-On — just like the standard one, but a little bit bigger. The nylon and mesh pouches, which come in sets of four, will now be available in Warm (black material with red, pink, orange, and yellow zippers) and Cool (black material with light blue, dark blue, purple, and green zippers). Hardside, soft-sided and aluminum suitcases in all sizes, backpacks and weekend bags, plus travel organizers 15-50% off. “There are people from all different industries and creatives from all over the place, so we’re trying to build up programming and events that speak to all of those people.”.The pop-up hotel is the latest venture into the travel experience space from the luggage brand, which has sold over 100,000 cases since its launch in early 2016 and recently raised $20 million in a Series B funding round. “If you think about that broader vision of improving travel and giving everyone exciting experiences, the way to get to that is through things like pop-up hotels.”.Can Amazon Crack the Luxury Market This Time?Is It Game Over for China’s Grey Market Sellers?The Banned App Driving Fashion Sales from Moscow to Tehran,Peter Do Says ‘No’ to the Industry Playbook,Farfetch's Latest Ad Campaign Sells a New Product: Itself,Fashion's Greenwashing Problem Begins with Bad Data,Careers Counsel | 5 Ways to Manage the Work-Life Blur in the Covid Era,In London, Emerging Designers Face a Critical Season,L Brands Sells Majority Stake in Victoria's Secret's UK Business,At Tulip, Analysing Omnichannel Data to Transform the Shopping Experience,How to Sell to College Students When Campus Is Closed,The Amastan Hotel, Paris | Source: Courtesy.The New York-based company, which has aligned itself with the fashion industry through collaborations with Madewell and Pop & Suki, will take over the Amastan hotel in the 8th Arrondissement with "Chez Away" for the duration of Paris Fashion Week.“If you think about terms like ‘experience economy’ and ‘lifestyle brand’, they are two very overused terms that undermine the power of doing those things correctly, and that’s really how we try to build the brand.” says Rubio. Like their neutral-toned counterparts, the Away x Flour Shop spinners are set to feature TSA-approved combination locks, hidden laundry bags, and interior compression systems. Treat them well and they’ll return the favor. Its products are available throughout the U.S. and in Europe.Steph Korey and Jen Rubio met in 2011 as former colleagues on the early executive team at.In its first fiscal year (2016), the company sold US$12 million in luggage.Away expanded into editorial content with the launch of a podcast called,The company was named a "Breakthrough Brand with Ingenious Marketing" by,Korey renounced her resignation on January 13, 2020, and stated that she and Haselden would be co-CEOs of Away. Travel + Leisure is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation Travel + Leisure Group All Rights Reserved, registered in the United States and other countries. Shop the limited time luggage sale on Away. The New York-based company, which has aligned itself with the fashion industry through collaborations with Madewell and Pop & Suki, will take over the Amastan hotel in the 8th Arrondissement with "Chez Away" for the duration of Paris Fashion Week. Next Billion-Dollar Startups: How Two Young Entrepreneurs Used Relentless Online Marketing To Build Away Into A $700M Luggage Brand. Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 10, you can get your hands on Away’s signature polycarbonate spinner suitcases in eight new colors. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Forbes. Away employees were concerned that her comments meant she had learned nothing from the events in December 2019.Away produces and markets a variety of travel accessories, using a direct-to-consumer business model.The Carry-On was developed based on the focus group and survey responses from hundreds of travelers.As of Jan 27, 2020, the following individuals sit on the board of Away:This article is about American luggage company. Travel + Leisure may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Away Carry-On Alternative Sizes . Suitcases Bags Organizers Everything else Suitcases. Away Luggage- The Large Size I did a research and I was impressed by the reviews of AWAY , so I reached out to them and within a week my new luggage was ready for my next Europe adventures. Explore the Away suitcase collection of lightweight carry-on, checked hard shell, soft side, and aluminum options. The brand's takeover of the Amastan Hotel during Paris Fashion Week is its latest venture into the travel experience space.Amenities specific to Chez Away include in-house manicurists, piercing and tattoo artists, with in-room beauty products supplied by Glossier, Diptyque and Dr. Jart. The company primarily sells products online, but also has.Away is a direct-to-consumer retailer, which allows the company to sell directly to consumers without third-party wholesalers or distributors. PARIS, France— Direct-to-consumer luggage brand Away is making its first foray into the experience of travel with a pop-up hotel in Paris. Clean your bag’s exterior shell and interior nylon lining using a soft, damp cloth, warm water, and mild soap. “We realised a pop-up hotel could be a really interesting place to take the Away ethos of making a travel experience better, and apply that to a specific event such as Paris Fashion Week.”,Rubio says the timing of Paris Fashion Week was chosen in order to target the global creative community. By … Hosted by Kellee Edwards.Travel + Leisure is part of the Travel + Leisure Group. Measuring up at 22.7 x 14.7 x 9.6 inches, this little beauty was designed to squeeze into the cabin bag containers found at … The bright new pieces will include all the features we already love about Away products.Just when we thought we couldn’t possibly fall any harder for.The limited edition Away x Flour Shop collection, which features brightly-hued pieces of luggage, takes direct inspiration from the treats at Flour Shop that often feature sprinkles, edible glitter, and cake batter in every color under the sun. You can pick up one of the new pieces for $225 to $295, depending on the size.Because Away loves keeping travelers organized just as much they love a good, hardside spinner, the Away x Flour Shop collection also includes brand new versions of their Insider Packing Cubes. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission.Away Is Releasing Its Most Colorful Luggage Ever Thanks to This New York City Bakery.this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.The greatest islands, cities, hotels, cruise lines, airports, and more — as voted by you.Whether you're traveling solo or planning a family vacation, here are the 50 best places to visit in 2020.Start listening to T+L's brand new podcast, Let's Go Together! Why not try it? The Away x NBA Limited Edition Luggage Collection","Away Just Launched Star Wars Luggage You Won't Be Embarrassed to Use","This Is the Carry-On Every Celeb Is Toting: Shop Jessica Alba, Mandy Moore and Karlie Kloss's Go-To Bag",https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Away_(luggage)&oldid=978706362,Manufacturing companies established in 2015,Articles with unsourced statements from December 2019,Articles with unsourced statements from July 2020,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License,Ludwig Ensthaler (investor at Global Founders Capital),This page was last edited on 16 September 2020, at 13:46. Retrieved August 5, 2020, from,"New High-End Luggage Brand Away – Direct-to-Consumer Business, Travel","Away C.E.O. (n.d.). There will be a Grey Goose bar, and brands including Nike and MNDFL will support a programme of workshops, events and wellness sessions during the week-long event.“When we think about the people that travel to fashion week, there are so many needs they have that a lot of hotels can’t really accommodate,” Jen Rubio, co-founder of Away, tells BoF. In 2017, Away collaborated with Rashida Jones, Madewell, Pop & Suki, Gray Malin, NBA, Star Wars and the Hotel Amastan Paris to release limited edition colorways of their signature cases. Is Back, Just Weeks After Stepping Down","The founders of Away changed the luggage industry after a travel mishap","Fashion's favourite luggage brand is branching out into clothing, accessories and wellness","Luggage Maker Away Raises $8.5M for International Expansion","This $48 Million Luggage Company Has Big Plans for Your Next Trip","How Away Brings Its Brand to Life through Content Marketing","This CEO is Leading a New Wave of Female Entrepreneurs","New York-Based Travel Brand Launches First Texas Store at Domain Northside","AWAY Luggage Brand to Enter Canada with 1st Standalone Store","Away travels to Seven Dials for first UK store","Away Jets to Europe With New Collaboration Series","Here | Travel & Lifestyle Magazine from Away","Luggage Brand Away Launches Pop-Up Hotel in Paris",https://www.forbes.com/sites/amyfeldman/2018/11/20/next-billion-dollar-startups-how-two-young-entrepreneurs-used-relentless-online-marketing-to-build-away-into-a-700m-luggage-brand/,"A Pair of Former Warby Parker Execs Are Attempting to Create the Perfect Carry-On Bag","How This Company Launched With Zero Products-- and Hit $12 Million in First-Year Sales","The Duo Trying to Make Travel More Glamorous","Karlie Kloss Backs Travel Brand Away in $20M Series B","Away Nears 100k Stylish Suitcases Sold as it Raises $20M","Away Is Set To Hire More Than 200 New Employees In A Major Expansion","Trendy luggage brand Away packs on $100M, rolls past $1.4B valuation","The World's Most Innovative Companies 2018 Honorees By Sector","Away Founders Use 'Inclusivity' to Respond to Toxic Culture Claims","Emotional baggage: inside the toxic work environment at Away","Away replaces CEO Steph Korey after Verge investigation","Top Away executives were blindsided by their CEO's decision to backtrack on stepping down","Away says co-CEO Steph Korey will step down this year after her attacks on the media","A New Class of Startup is Upending America's Consumer-Goods Industry","6 Smart Suitcases That Won't Break Airlines' Battery Rules","The High-Tech Carry-On Luggage Safe for Flying","This Smart Suitcase Would Be Great Even If It Were Dumb","Away Just Launched Its First Duffel Bag","Away Luggage Reviews From Travel Editors: See the Suitcases and Bags Worth Buying","This Celeb-Approved Luggage Brand Just Made Packing for Vacation Way Easier","Away Just Brought Back Its Mini Suitcase Gift Sets for the Holidays","Away Just Launched Its First Travel Pet Carrier","Columbia MBA and multimillion-dollar start-up co-founder: Here's what business school doesn't teach you","How Two Suitcase Designers Are Cramming More Into Your Carry-On","Rashida Jones and Away Collaborate on the Sleekest Luggage Ever","Away and Madewell Just Launched the Smart Suitcase of Your Dreams","Pop & Suki launch the most Instagrammable travel luggage we've ever seen","Suki Waterhouse, Poppy Jamie Design Suitcases for Away: The collection of pink trolleys became available for purchase today","Pop + Suki and Away Travel Collaborate on Pink Suitcase Collection","Jen Rubio: Co-Founder of Away on Launching a Brand People Want to Talk About","Travel Like An All-Star! Away offers a full collection of luggage essentials to suit every traveler and every journey. A set will run you $45.You’ll have to wait a little bit longer to get a hold of the spinners and packing cubes in this sweet new collection, but come Tuesday, you can find them in stores and on.Each product we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial team. Here’s everything you need to know to take care of your Away luggage and travel essentials. OMG, Away Luggage Is On Sale Up to 50% Off! Polycarbonate To clean Scuffs and spills happen. Each cube in the set is a different size, which allows for items of all shapes and sizes to be easily stowed away inside your suitcase. Concerned that The Carry-On isn’t right for you? Away Is Releasing Its Most Colorful Luggage Ever Thanks to This New York City Bakery The bright new pieces will include all the features we already love about Away products. It’ll scrub right up. Other Away Travel Luggage. 100 day return, limited lifetime warranty. In an interview with.On July 2, 2020, however, Jen Rubio and Stuart Haseldon announced that Korey would be stepping down as co-CEO "within the year", following comments she made on social media attacking digital-only media companies. Save 15%, 30% and 50% off pretty much everything, including luggage, bags, and other travel essentials.