Le prix d'un esclave était fonction de son sexe, de son âge, de son état de santé et de sa force physique. — (L.-J Blachette & Frédéric-Salvator Zoéga, Nouveau manuel complet du fabricant et du raffineur de sucre… Thus, the plantation society appears as a restrictive framework that crumbled away, but would it be the breeding ground for a certain disarray, experienced by the many social ‘outcasts’, or would it herald a better-balanced and more harmonious future for those that were dominated, as well as structured, by this society? plantation definition is - a usually large group of plants and especially trees under cultivation. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Ouvert du mardi au dimanche, sauf lundi et 1er mai, Est alors précisée dans la définition de ce crime : «… la déportation, la réduction en In a system of marked vertical integration, each member lived with his or her superior, present on the estate itself. A dramatic change occurred when Henri Paulin Panon Desbassayns, and later his widow Madame Desbassayns, developed the plantation and made it their mission to reassemble, piece after piece, the initial property, with the exception of a very narrow section. Esclavage et vie dans les plantations aux Antilles Les cases : habitations des esclaves la maison du maître Les champs de canne à sucre Les bâtiments d'exploitation ( moulin, sucrerie) « Il n’y a pas de travail plus rude que celui d’une plantation de canne à sucre. Definition of esclavage. – The existence of agricultural and industrial units centred around sugar production Définition académique 2 Histoire 3 La réduction en esclavage 3. Colonies, (q.v.) Beyond its economic control, the plantation imposed its definition of the interests of the society in general, through its own projection, thus crystallising the extreme inequalities. primit.,t. Hamer married in 1944 and moved with her husband to Ruleville, Miss., where they were sharecroppers on a plantation. Ce commerce maritime mondial a transformé petit à petit toutes les sociétés qu'il touchait. In some cases, both in Martinique and sometimes in Reunion island, in order to continue operating, an existing plantation might attempt to adapt to the new context and sometimes succeeded, at the cost of shutting down a number of refineries, the ruins of which now dot the landscape. Cette mesure symbolique montre bien que l'esclavage reste ... 23 août 1791 Révolte des esclaves à Haïti Dans la nuit du 22 au 23 août 1791, les esclaves de la colonie française de Saint-Domingue (île d'Haïti dans les Antilles), se soulèvent contre leurs maîtres. To trace them, we need to go back well before the birth of the Sugar Islands, exploring a chapter of history that has often been neglected, but which enables us to understand the relationship between a form of production and certain aspects of a specific society, more specifically the link between sugar estates and slavery. Throughout its progressive modifications, the estate left its mark on the landscape and on the society. This definition of the word esclavage is from the Wiktionary, where you can also find the etimology, other senses, synonyms, antonyms and examples. From the start, Reunion Island would seem to such travellers to be very close to what they might have known and studied in other plantation territories, such as Martinique, Marie-Galante and Guadeloupe. 1. exploitation agricole de produits tropicaux. Com. The condition in which one person is owned as property by another and is under the owner's control, ... en esclavage slave ship n → navire m … Mostly, however, these elements were interwoven and exchanged within the habitations and integrated into the many facets of the Creole culture (language, arts, family relations, food, etc.). Definition of plantation noun in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Its history has given the island a multitude of facets and left many social layers on its land, its villages and towns, over the years building a structure that has managed to function as a whole, while retaining the signs of its varied profiles. A protagonist is the main character of a story, or the lead. What’s The Difference Between “Yule” And “Christmas”? Ces cultures sont, par exemple, le coton, la canne à sucre, le café, la banane, l'ananas, l'Aloe vera, le teck, le cacao, la coca, le chanvre, le pavot, l'hévéa, le sisal, l'indigotier (Indigofera tinctoria), le poivre, le tabac, les fleurs ou la vanille. "That's part of my plantation, yes," answered the Southerner. PLANTATIONS. The abolition of slavery was not synonymous with the abolition of plantations, and the agricultural land made available for the settlement of the newly-freed population corresponds to Beckford’s analysis. ★ Définition plantation esclavage: Free and no ads no need to download or install. Aux frontières de l’islam (1400-1600) La traite d’esclaves au Moyen Âge : la frontière africaine. Carrying out an analysis, even brief, of the evolution of Reunion island society through the history of some of its estates, is an extremely relevant process. L'esclavage est l'état d'une personne qui se trouve sous la dépendance absolue d'un maître qui a la possibilité de l'utiliser comme un bien matériel. plantation slavery translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'plankton',plant',plan on',plan', examples, definition, conjugation Les marchandises produites par les esclaves (sucre, café, cacao, coton, tabac…) sont exportées vers l’Europe pour y … A.− Personne qui n'est pas de condition libre et se trouve sous la dépendance absolue d'un maître dont elle est la propriété. Originally based on the system of slavery, this was extremely limiting, due to the status given to the slaves. Plantation, a usually large estate in a tropical or subtropical region that is cultivated by unskilled or semiskilled labour under central direction. Over a long period, the racial and cultural consequences of a merciless hierarchy forced them to bend under the weight of a disdain they learnt to share, which led to a ‘racialization’ of the society that can be witnessed through many facets of the social life and the values linked to various elements of culture, particularly in the West Indies. Meaning of Plantation. The economic organisation of the plantation influenced the whole structure of the society, as the plantation literally became its matrix, characterized by certain fundamental attributes: Ainsi, dès Louis XIII s'impose légalement le système de recrutement d'une main-d' uvre forcée en Afrique. In social and political life, traces of the persistence of relations of hierarchy/dependency/revolt towards those who represent authority are still evident, as well as in land management and the distribution of dwellings: some neighbourhoods are the direct remains of former ‘camps’, whereas some scattered traditional Creole houses bear witness to the practice of sharecropping. “Monolith” vs. “Megalith”: What’s The Difference? Définition et Explications - Une plantation est une exploitation agricole en monoculture de cultures à forte valeur économique destinées à la vente vers des marchés internationaux. plantation \plɑ̃.ta.sjɔ̃\ féminin (Agriculture) Action de planter.Les cannes flèchent au mois d'août, c'est-à-dire, vers le dixième mois de leur plantation ; au moment de la floraison la canne est creuse; aussi se garde-t-on bien de la récolter à cette époque ; […]. 3 Les abandons d’enfants 3. Protectionist policies and natural comparative advantage have sometimes contributed to determining where plantations are located. La décision judiciaire 3. L'exploitation est souvent conduite e… Plusieurs textes internationaux ont tenté de définir la notion d'esclavage. Plantation house synonyms, Plantation house pronunciation, Plantation house translation, English dictionary definition of Plantation house. Définition de l'esclavage Etymologie: du latin médiéval sclavus, venant de slavus, slave. In 1948, ‘Les Sucreries de Bourbon’ (The Refineries of Bourbon Island) was set up, uniting several family structures and introducing a new management system for the land in order to adapt to the new regulations and make the most of new opportunities. - Le temps des révoltes et de la 1ère abolition.-Notion et mots-clés: esclave, le commerce triangulaire, économie de plantation, bourgeoisie marchande, commerce en droiture Traite Atlantique. déserter les plantations ou à succomber à des épidémies du fait des conditions de vie trop difficiles. Plantation, city (1990 pop. Un discours abolitionniste : un discours favorable à l’interdiction (l’abolition) de la traite des Noirs et de l’esclavage. Sugar was brought to the west by Arab merchants as a luxury product. The concentration of sugar production in fewer, larger refineries, led to the consolidation of estates and to the creation of agricultural corporations where many land owners were merely growers, whereas refinery owners gained more and more power, even though the latter remained fragile, as witnessed by the number of refineries that became bankrupt. Cet article examine la définition de la notion d’esclavage contemporain adoptée par le droit brésilien, retraçant ses origines à partir des premiers contrôles effectués à l’intérieur du pays au milieu des années 1990. Colonies, (q.v.) L'agriculture de plantation privilégie la monoculture de plantes tropicales pluriannuelles et fait appel à une main-d'œuvre à bas-salaire (à l'esclavage autrefois) mais ce n'est pas une règle. I/ Les fausses définitions de l’esclavage. Reunion Island has the advantage of being what one could consider an easy ‘object’ to define: since it is far from large, it is possible to approach the entire society without becoming dispersed in the study of vast territories. When Reunion island became a French department (a process called ‘départementalisation’ in French), the resulting shock-wave led to a restructuring of the society. While in the West Indies and in Mauritius, the gap between white people and people of other colours was clear, on Reunion Island there were many social and ethnic transitions. The plantation society was solidly in the hands of a dynamic social group of people who set themselves up as the spokespersons of the economic life of the island, thanks to the support of carefully-chosen members of the local government bodies. La traite atlantique : échange de marchandises contre des captifs en Afrique, puis déportation de ces captifs vers les colonies d’Amérique, où ils sont vendus et deviennent esclaves des colons européens. 3 Cesclavage domestique 4. How to use plantation in a sentence. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? the establishment of a colony or new settlement. : a group of trees that have been planted together. Technical progress and the bold choices of certain company directors, inspired by the example of Mauritius, where plantations had survived the hazards of independence, appeared to ensure a real future for the plantation society. Download the paper : Transformations foncières et évolution de la plantation, Domaine Panon-Desbassyns In the tropical islands, racial duality appeared with the organisation of slavery, leaving scars both in the flesh and in the history of the society, long after the abolition of slavery, a source of rifts in the society. Then came the critical event, leading to the final downfall: in 1946, Reunion Island became a fully-fledged French ‘département’ (equivalent to a county). Plantation definition, a large farm or estate in a tropical or semitropical zone, for the cultivation of cotton, tobacco, coffee, sugarcane, etc., typically by enslaved, unpaid, or low-wage resident laborers. The city has grown rapidly along with the development of S Florida. La traite transatlantique. This ‘earth-chopping machine’ (machine à hacher la terre), as Jean Mas called it, operated until 1785, when the initial property ended up being divided into eight unequal parallel strips. On appelle planteur, l'exploitant d'une plantation.En France, les cultivateurs de betteraves, pommes de terre, riz, etc. Esclavage: une définition. Plantation : définition, synonymes, citations, traduction dans le dictionnaire de la langue française. The left-wing elected members of the local government bodies, who had promoted this change of status, had foreseen the transformation. To this day, certain family estates remain the foundation of sugar production. vie dans les plantations. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. a large farm or estate in a tropical or semitropical zone, for the cultivation of cotton, tobacco, coffee, sugarcane, etc., typically by enslaved, unpaid, or low-wage resident laborers. Learn more. Une plantation ou habitation : grande exploitation de production agricole tropicale. Apart from this phenomenon of land concentration, over the years, competition between the most efficient structures led many refineries to close down, with ever-increasing concentration and following a momentum where the agro-industrial activity of sugar-cane plantations prefigured the emergence of industrial capitalism. What does esclavage mean? - L’esclavage et l’économie de plantation. 5 La condition héréditaire 4 Fonctions 4. PLANTATIONS. This led Les Sucreries de Bourbon to focus on trade, tourism and other activities, which turned it into a conglomerate with international activities, removing the word Sucrerie (Refineries) from its title. 66,692), Broward co., SE Fla., a residential suburb of Fort Lauderdale; inc. 1953. Rappel : - un paragraphe commence par un retrait de deux carreaux. n. A dwelling on a farm. There still remain networks linking family members of plantation owners, the urban economic elite and members of the professions. La révolte est menée par Boukman, un ... 29 août 1793 Révolte des esclaves marrons à Saint-Domingue ... de la Révolut Plantation definition: A plantation is a large piece of land, especially in a tropical country, where crops such... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples In Mauritius, this involved the division of plots for the benefit of small-scale growers, who were then forced to continue sugar-cane production, or, as in Reunion island, a system of sharecropping that kept the growers dependent on the landowners. This structure gives even more focus to any observation carried out. 2. action ou manière de planter. The harvesting of sugar cane implies the use of an abundant labour force in order to maintain the pace and prepare the appropriate quantity of sugar cane to be crushed by the refinery. 4. All this was aimed at turning the estate into the perfect example of what most people in Martinique, Reunion island or Mauritius aspired to – generally in vain. Définition; Archives 2015-2018. 2 L’esclavage agricole 4. (of clothing, furnishings, etc.) Describe 2020 In Just One Word? The People’s Choice 2020 Word Of The Year: 2020 Was A $#@#%%$@! See more. In England, this word, as it is used in St. 12, II. dependencies. City Hall 400 NW 73rd Avenue, Plantation, Florida 33317 954-797-2200 Fire Department 550 NW 65th Avenue, Plantation, Florida 33317 954-797-2150 Created By Granicus - … However, since it was not possible to dominate Christian populations, landowners turned towards groups not yet converted to Christianity, mainly Slavic populations, hence the name given to this labour force (slaves, or ‘esclavons’ that gave the French word ‘esclaves’), a name that would be applied to them forever, becoming linked to their social status. Definition of plantation noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. The plantation society resisted the upheaval of abolition, and the former structures and social relations were then reinterpreted, notably during the arrival of indentured workers, sent to maintain the continuity of this very same reality under a new façade. It was the source of control over the society, where, depending on the place and time, relations were marked by authoritarianism and paternalism. Origines de la traite atlantique : la connexion musulmane. Marcel Définition (OIT) : tout travail ou service exigé d'un individu sous la menace d'une peine quelconque et pour lequel ledit individu ne s'est pas offert de plein gré. Caractéristiques : Être obligé de faire un travail qu’on n’aime pas pour gagner sa vie n’est pas de l’esclavage (il y a bien eu consentement au départ). Définitions Définitions juridiques. The plantation, core of the social history of Reunion Island, https://www.portail-esclavage-reunion.fr/en/documentaires/plantation-society/definition/definition/, The origin of the slaves on Bourbon island, The Church and slavery on Bourbon/Reunion, Celebrating the abolition of slavery in Reunion Island and France, https://www.portail-esclavage-reunion.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Benoist_Eng_SUB.mp4. par. Later, larger-sized units became more common: conglomerates that covered greater areas of land, providing sugar cane to enlarged renovated factories using more and more mechanised techniques for agriculture. However, we can now appreciate the extent to which changing the rules in a society that used to function thanks to the massive introduction of sugar would lead to the emergence of a new society structure. (q.v.) plantation definition: 1. a large farm, especially in a hot part of the world, on which a particular type of crop is…. In 1970, the first vision greeting a traveller arriving, like me, in Reunion Island, was the sugar processing plant of La Mare, surrounded by the sugar cane growing on the vast mountain sides gently sloping up towards the mountains in the background: a breath-taking landscape, both familiar and disconcerting for travellers coming from the Caribbean islands. After firing that off, he clumsily asked what a plantation mentality is. 2. La convention relative à l'esclavage (1926) de la Société des Nations dispose en son article premier que « L'esclavage est l'état ou condition d'un individu sur lequel s'exercent les attributs du droit de propriété ou certains d'entre eux ».

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