Thanks to its widespread availability, computed tomography (CT) is the reference standard for facial imaging [18]. Immediate weight-bearing as tolerated allows patients to return to ambulation and activities of daily living faster and may facilitate rehabilitation. Nowadays, buttress system is “falling out of fashion” among many plastic reconstructive surgeons. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, it is thus reasonable to assume that shape for the Etna magma chamber. Thank you for visiting To ensure effective communications with surgeons, it is extremely important for radiologists to describe patterns [1, 30]. 163, 72–93, (2016). To ensure efficient communication with surgeons, radiology reports should use the anatomic descriptors and classification schemes that surgeons are familiar with; otherwise, surgeons may choose to rely on their own interpretation of the images [1]. Huang RK, Xie M, Zhao JJ, Xiao K, Kan WS. Open access journals are very helpful for students, researchers and the general public including people from institutions which do not have library or cannot afford to subscribe scientific journals. More important is whether the stability of the joint surface can be restored, especially in ankle fractures with total dislocation [39]. Bruno, V. et al. Italy. Dental complications. When power laws are derived for histograms with certain class limits or bin widths the scaling exponent (the slope of the straight line) depends on chosen bin width or class limits. The essential criteria to become Editorial Board Members of The Open Orthopaedics Journal are as follows: The Roles of Editorial Board Member are to: If you are interested in becoming our Editorial Board member, please submit the following information to Some authors have gone so far as to say ligamentous repair of the PITFL is critical when operatively treating ankle fractures [20]. MacKenzie EJ, Rivara FP, Jurkovich GJ et al. The systematic review of the literature showed a difference in wound complications of 3.6% (early surgery) versus 12.9% (late surgery) (p < 0.0001). Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 34(6):635–638, CAS  Late Quaternary slip rates on the Acireale-Piedimonte normal faults and tectonic origin of Mt. Murase, T. & McBirney, A. R. Properties of some common igneous rocks and their melts at high temperatures. Etna: volcano laboratory. De Guidi, G., Imposa, S., Scudero, S. & Palano, M. New evidence for Late Quaternary deformation of the substratum of Mt. Geophys. 2015: 491976. Trimalleolar fractures: A convenient medial approach for surgical reduction. 113 minutes: Country: United States Germany: Language: English: Budget: $10 million: Box office: $92 million: Fracture is a 2007 legal thriller film, starring Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling, and directed by Gregory Hoblit. Insights into Imaging A number of different surgical approaches and techniques for internal fixation of posterior malleolar fractures have been reported [21, 23-31]. ", Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University Paris East, Henri Mondor Hospital, Creteil, France, The Guest Edited Thematic Issues are published free of charge, Average publication time of 18 days between final acceptance of revised manuscript and its publication, (Indiana University School of Nursing, USA), (Centre Antipoison-Centre de Pharmacovigilance, France), (St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, USA), (Indiana University School of Medicine, USA), (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), (Instituto de Agroquimica y Tecnologia de Alimentos, Spain), (University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal), (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), This is indicated by the ordinary plot in Fig. Geotherm. and S.S. were supported by the DPC-INGV agreement ‘V3 Project and FIR- 2014 agreement. Rep. 536, 41–74 (2014). Geology 38(8), 691–694 (2010). Reports should focus on critical structures affected because of possible complications. Universite Scientifique et Medicale de Grenoble (1981). 2), but the fixation construct may vary according to fracture pattern or comminution. They hurry to a hospital. & Pullen, A. D. Location and orientation of eruptive fissures and feeder dykes at Mount Etna; influence of gravitational and regional tectonic stress regimes. A reproducible approach to the internal fixation of adult ankle fractures: Rationale, technique, and early results. Many dykes inject and propagate from the roof of the source magma chamber, whose depth is at about 3–6 km b.s.l, or about 6–9 km below the summit of Etna, based on petrochemical, geophysical, and geodetic data33,34,35,36,37,38,39. reported that the excellent-to-good rate was 93.8% and just one patient had a superficial infection [21]. The most common age groups affected are young active patients, sustaining high energy trauma and elderly patients with comorbidities. Comparison of radiologic and arthroscopic diagnoses of distal tibiofibular syndesmosis disruption in acute ankle fracture. Addressing the postero-medial malleolar fracture can be done through the same approach, although visualization is difficult. Risk factors for surgical site infection following operative ankle fracture fixation. Etna volcano (Italy). This can be understood in terms of a change in the mechanics of fracture formation. The resulting power-law distribution is thus not much affected by this type of censoring60. Google Scholar. It has helped clinical management and surgical planning, so radiologists must communicate their findings to surgeons effectively. Dykes that reach within metres or tens of metres of the surface, many eventually becoming feeders, commonly trigger the formation or reactivation of tension fractures and small normal faults26. In 1901, a French surgeon, René Le Fort, published the results of his experiments in which he applied blunt force to the midface of cadavers, finding three common patterns, all including a fracture through the pterygoid plates (Fig. 173, 122–134, (2008). A second interval is then exploited within the wound. Scientific Reports There were 2 cases of 2 mm or more of articular surface displacement at the final follow-up visit. Posterior malleolar stabilization of syndesmotic injuries is equivalent to screw fixation. Schematic block diagram showing a 3D view from the south-east of the proposed model: a vertically propagating dyke from the magma-chamber supplies magma to an eruptive fissure at surface. The first and second subsets are oblique to the local spreading or extension vector in the edifice, striking ~100° and largely controlled by the regional tectonics in the area8, whereas the third subset is almost parallel to the vector. It is essential to categorize fracture patterns and highlight features that may affect fracture management in radiology reports of facial trauma. The tension fractures form in response to absolute tensile stresses related to rifting or, for Etna, more specifically volcano spreading. The average strike-dimension of volcanic fissures/feeder-dykes in Etna is about 2.7 km. III. & Palano, M. Mt. The first and most important goal in treating zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures is to reduce the fracture. Directed by Brad Anderson. Rev. Heim UF. McKean J, Cuellar DO, Hak D, Mauffrey C. Osteoporotic ankle fractures: an approach to operative management. J. Volc. Can J Surg 2005; 48(6): 487-90. Etna volcano (Italy). e Coronal CT image of the same patient shows a fracture of the inferior aspect of the maxillary sinus walls (thin arrows), a type I Le Fort fracture, and a fracture of the inferomedial orbital walls, a Le Fort type II fracture (thick arrows). Using this estimate, as well as poroelasticity theory and the in-situ tensile strength of the host rock, the volume of the Etna magma chamber is estimated as being in the range of 69–206 km3 (6.9–2.06 × 1011 m3), with a most likely value of 103 km3 (1.03 × 1011 m3). J Bone Joint Surg Am 2012; 94(22): 2047-52. Tectonophys. The posterior malleolar fragment is then anatomically reduced and provisionally fixed with a Kirschner wire. Soc. Bull. In: Browner B, Jupiter J, Levine A, Trafton P, Eds. believe that a certain subset of surgical ankle fracture patients can be made weight-bearing as tolerated immediately following surgery [50]. When a mandibular fracture results in three or more fragments within the same anatomic region, it is considered comminuted; when five or more fragments are present, it is considered severely comminuted [46]. 47, 495–508 (1991). This is exactly what Open Access Journals provide and this is the reason why I support this endeavor. a Axial unenhanced CT image at the level of the mid-orbit shows a comminuted fracture of the naso-orbito-ethmoid complex (circled) resulting in telecanthus (widened intercanthal distance). ADS  This option opens several quite interesting possibilities to disseminate openly and freely new knowledge and even to facilitate interpersonal communication among scientists. The tensile stresses are then partly related to magmatic overpressure and partly to spreading and become concentrated in the layers above the arrested dyke, which then acts as a narrow notch or edge crack25. Peer-review of articles for the journal, which are in the area of expertise (2 to 3 times per year). Bull. The two nasal bones articulate with the frontal bone at the frontonasal suture and with the frontal process of the maxilla at the nasomaxillary suture, forming the bony nasal pyramid. Surgical versus conservative interventions for treating ankle fractures in adults. Effect of posterior malleolus fracture on outcome after unstable ankle fracture. Ankle fractures involving the posterior malleolus have been shown to have worse outcomes compared with ankle fractures without posterior malleolar involvement [56]. Arthroscopy 2005; 21(11): 1370-4. Clinical studies have been inconclusive regarding optimum treatment of posterior malleolus fractures [7, 14, 21, 39, 42, 57-61]. a–c Patient one and (d, e) patient two. 500, 50–64, (2011). Choi JY, Kim JH, Ko HT, Suh JS. Tibaldi, A., Bonali, F. L. & Corazzato, C. The diverging volcanic rift system. 5b, c) can cause chronic epiphora or even dacryocystitis but its obstruction is not really a diagnosis made by CT imaging: severe disorganization of bone in this region does not necessarily predict NLD obstruction and bony alignment does not exclude it, since occlusion can also occur from scar [30]. Alveolar process fractures are the most commonly observed pattern of maxillary fracture. Measured fracture length ranges from 100 to 5600 m, the average length being 887 m and the cumulative total length of the fracture/fissure network about 200 km. Heim found the posterolateral approach especially useful for patients with smaller, posterior fragments [45]. Occasionally, the posterior fragment reduces simultaneously when the lateral malleolus is reduced because of their respective attachments to the posteroinferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL). J. Int. Mem. reported that range of motion exercises were started in reliable patients after the first 3 weeks [11]. It is useful to simplify the skeletal structure into four pairs of horizontal and four pairs of vertical struts or buttresses, because this conceptual view emphasizes the functional relations between the different bones in the facial anatomy (Fig. The horizontal buttresses are the upper transverse maxillary (yellow), lower transverse maxillary (orange), upper transverse mandibular (brown), and lower transverse mandibular (green) buttresses. Most surgeons like to choose the incision just between the peroneal tendons and Achilles tendon (Fig. Franzone et al. Scudero, S., De Guidi, G. & Gudmundsson, A. c, d Mandibular canal injury: (c) Sagittal and (d) coronal views of a unifocal mandibular fracture passing through the mandibular canal with mild displacement (white arrows) that may damage the inferior alveolar nerve (a branch of CN V3). J. Volc. Wang et al. A common procedure for testing if size distributions, such as those above, are really power laws is to log-transform by plotting the data on a bi-logarithmic (log-log) plot. The articles are of high quality and broad scope. Barabási, A. L. & Albert, R. Emergence of scaling in random networks. Eq. Otolaryngol Clin North Am 41(1):51–76, Bodanapally UK, Shanmuganathan K, Shin RK et al (2015) Hyperintense optic nerve due to diffusion restriction: diffusion-weighted imaging in traumatic optic neuropathy. The following discussion of fracture patterns first focuses on those involving more buttresses and then focuses on those that involve fewer buttresses (e.g., orbital “blowout” or mandibular fractures). Favalli, M., Karátson, D., Mazzarini, F., Pareschi, M. T. & Boschi, E. Morphometry of scoria cones located on a volcano flank: a case study from Mt. Geotherm. In the past few decades, however, GPS and interferometric techniques allow dyke and other intrusion volumes, as well as the magma-chamber inflations, to be estimated approximately from the associated surface deformation33,44,45,46,47. (Geol. Fractures extending superiorly to the cribriform plate can cause a tear in the underlying dura, allowing cerebrospinal fluid to leak into the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity (Fig. Ferrari, L., Garduño, V. H. & Neri, M. I dicchi della Valle del Bove, Etna: un metodo per stimare le dilatazioni di un apparato vulcanico. The vertically oriented buttresses connect the bones of the face to the base of the skull. did the longitudinal incision is placed just medial to the posterior border of the fibula [38]. Neural foramina complications. Res. found that posterior malleolar fixation was equivalent to fixation with syndesmotic screws or combined fixation. ", "It is important that students and researchers from all over the world can have easy access to relevant, high-standard and timely scientific information. Emerg Radiol 25(5):533–545. That many of the injected dykes do not, eventually, reach the surface to erupt is thus generally not the result of lack of strain energy that needs to be supplied so that the dyke fracture (the dyke path) can reach the surface. Anatomical reduction of articular surfaces is a basic principle in fracture surgery, and this approach certainly promotes that goal. Stratified distributional estimates of recurrence times between successive morbidity outcomes are compared between Veterans with/without LE fracture using three estimators: independent identically distributed product limit estimator, Wang–Chang product limit estimator, and a gamma frailty maximum likelihood estimator. A medial approach for a typically posterolateral fragment still would seem suboptimal. A recent study found that a significant percentage of fractures of the anterior skull base, cribriform plate, or sella turcica were missed in reports done during calls [57]. e Three-dimensional CT images of the upper left facial region of the left ZMC fracture. The zygomatic bone is a paired irregular bone that forms part of the lateral orbital walls. Three main strike peaks are clearly recognisable, namely at ~40°, at ~150°, and at ~270° (Fig. A small buttress plate can also be used to supplement fixation. The authors’ preference is to directly visualize the reduction and place fixation from posterior to anterior to ensure that appropriate compression of the fracture is achieved to restore articular congruity. Email subject: Editorial Board Member Application, "Open access will revolutionize 21st century knowledge work and accelerate the diffusion of ideas and evidence that support just in time learning and the evolution of thinking in a number of disciplines. a Axial CT image shows a fracture of the upper alveolar ridge (thin white arrows) with avulsion of the left incisors (arrowhead). Table 2 . The entire area has experienced a large crustal-doming episode since 600 ka which has been interpreted as the result of emplacement of altered oceanic crustal material in the deepest parts of the crust9,10. Swart E, Bezhani H, Greisberg J, Vosseller JT. Formation and mechanics of magma reservoirs in Iceland. Both these groups pose unique challenges for appropriate management of these injuries. Fractures which occurred after the diagnosis of AN were limited to the distal upper and lower extremities. They found that active exercises in combination with immediate weight-bearing may be a safe option. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 42(4):305–312, Lieger O, Zix J, Kruse A, Iizuka T (2009) Dental injuries in association with facial fractures. Depending on the way forces are distributed in the facial skeleton, Le Fort levels on the two sides of the face can be different, and fractures can occur through more than one Le Fort level on the same side of the face (Fig. A la présidentielle de mai 1995, il y a deux candidats gaullistes en concurrence : Balladur (alors au sommet dans les sondages) et Chirac (donné perdant). Bull. Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. AJR Am J Roentgenol 140(3):523–532, Cornelius C-P, Kunz C, Neff A, Kellman R, Prein J, Audigé L (2014) The comprehensive AOCMF classification system: fracture case collection, diagnostic imaging work up, AOCOIAC Iconography and Coding. and JavaScript. had done the meta-analysis show that following ankle surgery [51], 1) active exercises accelerate return to work and daily activities compared to immobilization, 2) early weight-bearing tends to accelerate return to work and daily activities compared to late weight-bearing. In this case use of a 2.0 or 2.4mm screw may be required given smaller width of the fragment. It can be easy to miss subtle fractures of the pyramidal bone, anterior nasal spine, and bony septal fractures. The Open Orthopaedics Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews, letters, case reports and guest-edited single topic issues in all areas of experimental and clinical research and surgery in orthopaedics. b Coronal and (c) axial CT images at the level of the maxillary sinus showing extension of naso-orbito-ethmoidal complex fractures through both nasolacrimal ducts on the right side (circled in white). Foot Ankle Int 2015; 36(6): 673-8. The papers published are of high quality after rigorous peer review and they are Indexed in: major international databases. Bonaccorso, A. et al. Kim MB, Lee YH, Kim JH, Lee JE, Baek GH. 81, 1–65 (2007). Orthopedics 2013; 36(12): 936-40. 3a and b) that traverses the orbital floor within the infraorbital nerve can be damaged, resulting in temporary or permanent hypoesthesia of the ipsilateral cheek and maxillary gingiva. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 62, 420–430 (2001). The zygomatic bone plays an important role in defining the height and width of the midface [42], so failure to recognize and treat this fracture can lead to cosmetic deformity. The volcanic edifice itself rests on a sedimentary basement which reaches the elevation of about 1100 m a.s.l. Proietti, C., De Beni, E., Coltelli, M. & Branca, S. The flank eruption history of Etna (1610-2006) as a constraint on lava flow hazard. Lastly, the medial malleolus can be addressed through a standard medial incision or distal extension of the posteromedial incision if a posteromedial fracture is present. Following these, Ferrari et al.20 measured orientation and thickness of 184 dykes. This is some surgeon’s preferred method of fixation. Lui TH, Ip K, Chow HT. The tests include using the residuals of the curve-fitting procedure, namely the vertical distances of all the points from the regression line. J Orthop Trauma 2011; 25(2): 123-6. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. Klammer G, Kadakia AR, Joos DA, Seybold JD, Espinosa N. Posterior pilon fractures: A retrospective case series and proposed classification system. Kelime ve terimleri çevir ve farklı aksanlarda sesli dinleme. It is the story of a man who shoots his unfaithful wife, and then engages in a battle of wits with a young assistant district attorney. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1965; 47: 236-9. for 135 scoria cones. Etna (Italy) between 2003 and 2008. 10) [40]. In the case of delayed surgery, the fracture can be cleaned out directly, removing interposed callus, once again promoting an anatomical articular reduction. Radiologists’ interpretations of CT scans are important for planning surgery in patients with facial trauma. The formation of Mount Etna as the consequence of slab rollback. Analytical modelling and calculations were made by A.G. Failure to fix a mal-reduced posterior malleolus may result in late posterolateral subluxation of the fibula and failure of syndesmotic fixation. Contribute and/or solicit Guest Edited thematic issues to the journal in a hot area (at least one thematic issue every two years). Orbital blowout. Geotherm. Lawrence SJ, Botte MJ. Two patients with multiple Le Fort fractures. The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 61(8):861–870, Goodday RH (2013) Management of fractures of the mandibular body and symphysis. Alveolar process fracture. This is specially a must for researchers belonging to institutions with limited library facility and funding to subscribe scientific journals. Geotherm. Google Scholar. In low-force impacts, trauma often causes isolated fracture of the nasal bones. Res. Volc. 15), dental intrusion or extrusion, and malocclusion [58]. A power law can also be presented by taking the logarithms on both sides of the Eq. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am 23(3):335–345, Dreizin D, Nam AJ, Tirada N et al (2016) Multidetector CT of mandibular fractures, reductions, and complications: a clinically relevant primer for the radiologist. Tectonophys. Injury 1985; 16(4): 265-72. Tectonophys. Forberger et al. Sampling power-law distributions. Soc. Mayer PJ, Evarts CM. Lauge-Hansen N. Fractures of the ankle. A fracture of the zygomaticomaxillary complex results from a direct impact on the malar eminence that causes the underlying zygomatic bone to separate from the calvaria. Most notably, factors include fragment size most impacted surgical indications. The Open Orthopaedics Journal is seeking energetic and qualified researchers to join its editorial board team as Editorial Board Members or reviewers. Open Orthop J 2009; 3: 56-60. If the minimum or maximum radius, 4.7 km and 8.1 km, were used, the calculated strain energy, other things being equal, would be proportionally smaller (8.5 × 1013 J for 4.7 km radius) or larger (4.3 × 1014 J for 8.1 km radius) than the above value.