), Van de Bossche (P.), Kuborn (X. The double wall junctions complicate the prediction of flanking transmission. 30(3):672-83.Babault N, Bazine W, Deley G, Paizis C, Lattier G (2015). Part 2: Statistical Analysis.Ontwerp en uitvoering van bemalingen: Belgische richtlijnen.Shear strength of unsaturated soil and its influence on slope stability.Proceedings International Symposium "Ground Anchors. ), Deroisy (B. Design and execution.Acoustical performance of connections between windows and timber frame façade elements.Empirical formula for the vibration reduction index of junctions with different coplanar walls.Empirical relationships between single number quantities for impact sound insulation.The effect of mechanical connectors on the sound insulation of structural insulating panels.Fire Safety of (Timber) Buildings During Construction.Evaluation of the risk of Legionella spp. 79:89-95.Robineau J, Jouaux T, Lacroix M, Babault N (2012) Neuromusuclar fatigue induced by a 90 minutes soccer game modeling. Recent Research, Advances & Execution Aspects of Ground Improvement Works. ), Deneyer (A. ), Bodart (M.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006752 - Auteurs: Cauwerts (C.), Deneyer (A. ), D'herdt (P.), Roisin (B. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006653 - Auteur: Ingelaere (B. Project AH+, part 6.Noise control for quality of life. ), Lethé (G.), Flamant (G.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006748 - Auteurs: Bams (V.), Dewaele (S.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006756 - Auteurs: Bodart (M.), Deneyer (A. doi:10.1371.journal.pone.0155429,Opplert J, Genty JB, Babault N (2016) Do stretch durations affect muscle mechanical and neurophysiological properties? ), Hoxey (R.), Buchlin (J.M. ), Grégoire (Y. ), Maertens (J. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006672 - Auteurs: Dirkx (I. Le magazine de notre futur immédiat. ), Gregoire (Y. Here, we provide electrophysiological evidence for a brain-anchored evolved predisposition to rapidly detect snakes in humans, which does not depend on previous exposure or knowledge about snakes. Journal of Orthopedics in Sports and Physical Therapy 25: 26-33.Gauthier A, Davenne D, Martin A, Cometti G, Van Hoecke J (1996) Diurnal rhythm of the muscular performance of elbow flexors during isometric contractions. ), Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.), De Cock (F.), Lameire (B. Le CSTC Services Agenda Nouvelles Outils Projets de recherche Publications. ), Roisin (B. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry 107: 46.Amiridis IG, Cometti G, Morlon B, Martin L, Martin A (1997) Effects of the type of recovery training on the concentric strength of the knee extensors. ), Tavallali (A. ), Verbrugge (J.C.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006757 - Auteurs: Smits (A. ), Gregoire (Y. 37(9):673-9. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-104934.Robineau J, Babault N, Piscione J, Lacome M, Bigard AX (2016) The specific training effects of concurrent aerobic and strength exercises depends on recovery duration. ),Langue: FR - Ref: REF00007119 - Auteurs: Gerin (O. Ecosphere 9(12): e02510. ), Vervoort (A. 18(9) 1199-1207 doi: 10.1080/17461391.2018.1484177,Oliveira PFA, Durigan JLQ, Modesto KAG, Bottaro M, Babault N (2018). ), Bodart (M.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006668 - Auteurs: Bams (V.), Garcia (I.B. ), Rychtarikova (M.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006634 - Auteurs: Ingelaere (B. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006681 - Auteurs: Van Itterbeeck (P.), Craeye (B. 28(5): e111-e117,Gremeaux V, Hannequin A, Laroche D, Deley G, Duclay J, Casillas JM (2012) Reproducibility, validity and responsiveness of the 200-metre fast walk test in patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation. 11:36.Paizis C, Skoura X, Personnier P, Papaxanthis C (2014). DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00049.Deley G, Laroche D, Babault N (2014). ), Maertens (J. Acute effects of static stretching on isokinetic torque production are directly related to the initial flexibility level. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00008962 - Auteurs: Ganne (P.), Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.), De Cock (F.), Lameire (B. Denis MARIANO-GOULART. American Jounral of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Tous les articles repris dans la liste ci-dessous ont été rédigés en collaboration avec au moins un collaborateur du Centre. Clinical Rehabilation.24:590-599.Duclay J, Martin A, Duclay A, Cometti G, Pousson M (2009) Behavior of fascicles and the myotendinous junction of human medial gastrocnemius following eccentric strength training. ), De Cuyper (K.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00009001 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Van Lysebetten (G.), Huybrechts (N.), De Cock (F.), Lameire (B. Ligament, hinge, and shell cross-sections of the Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima): Promising marine environmental archives in NE North America. ), Lethé (G.), Flamant (G.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006659 - Auteurs: Delmotte (C.), Laverge (J. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00008993 - Auteurs: Varaksin (S.), Hamidi (B. ATTENTION : Les demandes de subside pour les frais de publication d'articles scientifiques doivent être soumises par le biais d'un nouveau système " en ligne ". Hybrid functional electrical stimulation exercise training alters the relationship between spinal cord injury level and aerobic capacity. Pour chaque vente de documents réalisée vous touchez 50% du prix de la vente. Impact sound measurements on wooden floors. ), Dinne (K.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00012128 - Auteur: Delmotte (C.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00012088 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.),Langue: FR - Ref: REF00012090 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.), Verstraelen (J. Utilisez nos filtres de recherche pour trouvez l'endroit de vos rêves.Sites utiles, étonnants et drôles : quiz et jeux gratuits, déblocage portable gratuit, test code de la route gratuit, modèles de lettres gratuits, photos de coupes de cheveux, traductions gratuites.Logiciel de référencement automatique de sites web - téléchargement gratuit de la version trial avec base de données comprenant plus de 30.000 adresses URL d'annuaires et moteurs de recherche.Portail de mise en relation internautes et professionnels de la mode et de la beauté, de la coiffure les plus proches de chez vous. Auteur(s) : Stéphane Paquin, Luc Bernier, Guy Lachapelle. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006643 - Auteurs: Gerin (O. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00008997 - Auteurs: Allani (M.), Holeyman (A. To do so, we recorded scalp electrical brain activity in 7- to 10-month-old infants watching sequences of flickering animal pictures.The article delves into the fiery furnace motif and its evocations of the healing and makeability of men. R Soc Open Sci. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 38: 937-944.Deley G, Millet GY, Borrani F, Lattier G, Brondel L (2006) Effects of two types of fatigue on VO2 slow component. Aquatic Living Resources, 31: 19.Robson AA, Halsey LG, Chauvaud L. 2016 Feet, heat and scallops: what is the cost of anthropogenic disturbance in bivalve aquaculture? ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00011376 - Auteurs: Dijckmans (A. ), Lefort (V.), Andre (S.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006674 - Auteurs: De Cuyper (K.), Kuborn (X. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 40: 735-743.Deley G, Eicher JC, Vergès B, Wolf JE, Casillas JM (2008) Do low-frequency electrical myostimulation and conventional aerobic training similarly increase exercise capacity in patients differently deconditioned by chronic heart failure? ), Bleys (B. ), Sustersic (J. ), De Barquin (F.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006758 - Auteurs: Grégoire (Y. Int J Sports Med. An overview in one adult. 27ème Congrès de la société de Biomécanique (Valenciennes - France). DOI: 10.1007/s40279-017-0797-9.Deley G, Guillemet D, Allaert FA, Babault N (2017) An acute dose of specific grape and apple polyphenols improves endurance performance: a randomized, crossover, double-blind versus placebo controlled study. 45:71-82.Babault N, Paizis C, Deley G, Guerin-Deremaux L, Saniez M-H, Lefranc-Millot C, Allaert FA (2015). ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00010010 - Auteurs: Deroisy (B. Corticospinal changes induced by fatiguing eccentric versus concentric exercise. Date de publication: 2005. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2018-0314.Silva PE, Marqueti R, de Carvalho KL, Tavares de Araujo AE, Castro J, da Silva VM, Vieira L, Souza, VC, Dantas LO, Cipriano Junior G, Nóbrega OT, Babault N, Durigan JLQ (2019) Neuromuscular electrical stimulation in critically ill traumatic brain injury patients attenuates muscle atrophy, neurophysiological disorders, and weakness: a randomized controlled trial.Blazevich AJ, Babault N (2019) Post-activation Potentiation (PAP) versus Post-activation Performance Enhancement (PAPE) in Humans: Historical Perspective, Underlying Mechanisms, and Current Issues.Garnier Y, Lepers R, Assadi H, Païzis C (in press). Kinesithérapie, la revue. ), Bleys (B. Les articles sont triés par année de publication et par titre.Although the consideration of socio-economic demands with biodiversity conservation is now high on the environmental policy agenda, it is not yet standard practice in spatial planning. 52(2):260-4.Fortier J, Goachet AG, Julliand V, Deley G (2015). ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00011375 - Auteurs: Dijckmans (A. ).Le Centre scientifique et technique de la construction est un institut de recherche fondé en 1960 à l’initiative de l’organisation professionnelle et dont l’objectif est de promouvoir la recherche appliquée dans le secteur, afin d’améliorer la compétitivité de ce dernier.Le CSTC utilise des cookies pour optimiser l’utilisation de son site Internet. Journal of Sea Research. One of...Langue: EN - Ref: REF00012471 - Auteurs: Dijckmans (A. 19:310-315.Maffiuletti NA, Bizzini M, Desbrosses K, Babault N, Munzinger U (2007) Reliability of knee extension and flexion measurements using the Con-Trex isokinetic dynamometer. Short-term behavioural responses of the great scallop Pecten maximus exposed to the toxic alga.Coquereau L, Lossent J, Grall, J & Chauvaud L, 2016. ), De Nijs (R.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00008958 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.), Maertens (J. Project AH+, part 3.Full Scale and Wind Tunnel Tests of Unsteady Pressure on Roof Tiles of Low Rise Buildings.Proceedings of the International Symposium TC 211 IS-GI Brussels 2012. publication scientifique, ... B = le nombre d'articles, publiés dans X dans la période 2001-2002. Animals. Volume 1.Design of Piles in Europe. Sports Medicine. ), Guimond-Barrett (A. Guide.A new standard for daylight: Towards a daylight revolution?A5 - Evaluation of the risk of Legionella spp. v. 74(7), 2012-2023; doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx015.De Cesare S., Meziane T., Chauvaud L., Richard J., Thébaut J., Winkler G. et Olivier F. (2017) Considerable dietary plasticity in the bivalve Astarte moerchi revealed by a seasonal multimarker study in two Arctic fjords. To that end, pressure...Along one side of the river Scheldt (Belgium), several slope instabilities have occurred over the last decades. Building on previous research conducted in religious history, art history and anthropology, a diachronic analysis of the textual and visual traditions of this motif is made. Publier des billets d'humeur sur les sujets qui m'intéressent.Récits d'aventure, articles sur le parkour, sur la débrouille, et réflexions diverses Spectacles acrobatiques et artistiques Recherche en biomécanique,Le vide-grenier en ligne, comme un vide-grenier réel, pour acheter et vendre vos objets d'occasion en toute tranquillité. 27: 475-482.Casillas JM, Damak S, Chauvet-Gelinier JC, Deley G, Ornetti P (2006) Fatigue in patients with cardiovascular disease Ann Readapt Med Phys. 45:A14.Gaveau J, Paizis C, Berret B, Pozzo T, Papaxanthis C (2011) Sensorimotor adaptation of point-to-point arm movements after spaceflight: the role of internal representation of gravity force in trajectory planning. ), Dirkx (I. International Journal of Sports Medicine. ), D'Herdt (P.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006677 - Auteurs: Van Ginderachter (C.), Parmentier (B. High-resolution nitrogen stable isotope sclerochronology of bivalve shell carbonate-bound organics. Part 1: Report.Round Robin Test 2008. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006683 - Auteurs: Van Itterbeeck (P.), Cauberg (N.), Parmentier (B. 13: 30-35.Gandrey P, Paizis C, Karathanasis V, Gueugneau N, Papaxanthis C (2013). open sci. Les webmasters inscrivent leurs sites pour en faire la publicité.Notre large choix d'hébergement, vous permettra de camper comme vous aimez, le temps d'un week-end ou d'une semaine. Clin Rehabil 26(8): 733-740,Cimadoro G, Yeadon MR, Van Hoecke J, Alberti G, Babault N, Minetti AE (2012) Validation of a subject specific 3-actuator torque driven model in human vertical jumping. Hotel Métropole - Brussels. ), Bleys (B. ), Wouters (P.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006753 - Auteurs: Deneyer (A. Journal of intensive care. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006657 - Auteur: Delmotte (C.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006655 - Auteurs: Michaux (B. European Journal of Sport Sciences. Front. The influence of the gravito-inertial context on the duration of overt and covert arm movements. Experimental Brain Research. ), Maertens (J. ), Nicaise (D.), de Barquin (F.), Hariri (K.), Bosnjak (J. A randomized controlled pilot study. 49: 309-319.Brocherie F, Babault N, Cometti G, Maffiuletti NA, Chatard JC (2005) Electrostimulation training effects on the physical performance of ice hockey players. pone.0160935,Coquereau L., Lossent J. Grall J., Chauvaud L. (2017) Marine soundscape shaped by fishing activity. Article en pdf,Desbrosses K, Babault N, Scaglioni G, Meyer JP, Pousson M (2006) Neural activation after maximal isometric contractions at different muscle lengths. 49(5): 760-763.Deley G, Babault N (2014). 36:1347-1356.Martin V, Millet GY, Martin A, Deley G, Lattier G (2004) Assessment of low-frequency fatigue with two methods of electrical stimulation. Maison d'édition : Presses de … 14 May 2008. Nourrit, D. Lauriot, B., Deschamps, T., Caillou, N. & Delignières, D. (2000). Articles scientifiques . 58(2): 293-299.Oliveira PFA, Modesto KAG, Bottaro M, Babault N, Durigan JLQ (2018). / The photographic collections of the LIA BeBEST.Le laboratoire BeBEST utilise l’acoustique passive pour étudier la faune benthique, l'environnement et les perturbations anthropiques du milieux. 52th meeting of the American college of sports medicine (Nashville – Etats-Unis). Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 37: S192-S193.Deley G, Kervio G, Vergès B, Hannequin A, Petitdant MF, Salmi-Belmihoud S, Grassi B, Casillas JM (2005) Comparison of low-frequency electrical myostimulation and conventional aerobic exercise training in patients with chronic heart failure. Les acheteurs peuvent naviguer de stand en stand et négocier le prix avec le ven[...],POPULISCOOP Scoop Populaire. ), De Leeuw (A. 81:2501-2507.Cometti C, Deley G, Babault N (2011) Effects of between-set interventions on neuromuscular function during isokinetic maximal concentric contractions of the knee extensors. Training effects of alternated and pulsed currents on the quadriceps muscles of athletes. 25:520-526.Tia B, Saimpont A, Paizis C, Mourey F, Fadiga L, Pozzo T (2011) Does observation of postural imbalance induce a postural reaction? 237(8): 2023-2033 doi:10.1007/s00221-019-05576-1,Diplôme Universitaire de Préparation Physique. Science et Sports. International Journal of Sports Medicine Jul;39(7):535-540. doi: 10.1055/a-0601-6742.Silva PE, Maldaner V, Vieira L, Livino de Carvalho K, Goes H, Melo P, Babault N, Cipriano Jr G, Durigan JLQ (2018) Neuromuscular electrophysiological disorders and muscle atrophy in mechanically-ventilated traumatic brain injury patients: new insights from a prospective observational study. Le Bulletin est la publication de la Classe des Sciences, de la Classe des Lettres et des sciences morales et politiques et de la Classe des Arts de l’Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Le Bulletin est la publication de la Classe des Sciences, de la Classe des Lettres et des sciences morales et politiques et de la Classe des Arts de l’Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00008961 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.), De Cock (F.), Lameire (B. Neuroscience Letters 382: 201-205.Wittmann M, Babault N, Kouassi BYL (2005) Static stretch and warm-up: effects on the lower-limb flexibility and jumping ability. (2017) A Roadmap for a quantitative ecosystem-based environmental impact assessment. Am J Phys Med and Rehabil. European Journal of Applied Physiology. ), Grelk (B. 7:59. ), Dezso (G.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00012122 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00012123 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00012124 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00012125 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00012126 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00008996 - Auteurs: Allani (M.), Holeyman (A. Marine Biology 163:127.Coquereau L, Grall, J, Jolivet A, Clavier J & Chauvaud L, 2016.Coquereau L, Jolivet A, Hegaret H & Chauvaud L, 2016. How did Eurocode 7 change daily practice? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 34: 1003-1008.Maffiuletti NA, Martin A, Babault N, Pensini M, Lucas B, Schieppati M (2001) Electrical and mechanical Hmax-to-Mmax ratio in power- and endurance-trained athletes. Project AH+, part 5.Noise control for quality of life. ), Deneyer (A. ), Dieryck (V.), Parmentier (B. – “Trophic pelagic cues promote secondary migrations of bivalve recruits in a highly dynamic intertidal temperate system”. Could Low-frequency electromyostimulation training be an effective alternative to endurance training? 12:226-233.Casillas JM, Deley G, Salmi-Belmihoud S, Vergès B (2005) Indices de mesure de l’activité physique dans le domaine des affections cardio-vasculaires. Journal of Sports Science 13: 95-100.Martin L, Cometti G, Pousson M, Morlon B (1994) The influence of electrostimulation on mechanical and morphological characteristics of the triceps surae. Scientific Reports, 6, 33829; doi: 10.1038/srep33829.Moynihan M. A., Barbier P., Olivier F., Toupoint N., Meziane T. 2016. Abyz News Links; Arxiv.org : Banque de données d’articles scientifiques dans les domaines suivants : physique, mathématiques, informatique, biologie quantitative, sciences non linéaires, finance quantitative, génie électrique et science des systèmes, et économie. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 21: 431-437.Deley G, Kervio G, Van Hoecke J, Caillaux BX, Antoine D, Grassi B, Casillas JM (2007) Effects of a one-year combined training program on exercise capacity in adults over 70 years old: a study with a control group. Volume 5.Flexural behavior of piles in high strain dynamic testing.General Report. Frost Resistance of Clay Units. A pilot study in healthy elderlies and cardiac patients. ), De Barquin (F.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006744 - Auteurs: Cauberg (N.), Dieryck (V.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006738 - Auteurs: Parmentier (B. Limelette test field results". 12(3):336-344. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2015-0370,Cometti C, Babault N, Deley G (2016) Effect of constant and doublet frequency electrical stimulation patterns on force production of knee extensor muscles. Leuven, Belgium. ), Bodart (M.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006631 - Auteur: De Geetere (L.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006632 - Auteurs: De Geetere (L.), Ingelaere (B. ),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00008960 - Auteurs: Denies (N.), Huybrechts (N.), De Cock (F.), Lameire (B. Volume 4.Proceedings of the International Symposium TC 211 IS-GI Brussels 2012. Neuromuscular fatigue after low and medium frequency electrical stimulation in healthy adults. De Cesare S., Meziane T., Chauvaud L., Richard J., Thébaut J., Winkler G. et Olivier F. (2017) Considerable dietary plasticity in the bivalve Astarte moerchi revealed by a seasonal multimarker study in two Arctic fjords. Volume 3.Proceedings of the International Symposium TC 211 IS-GI Brussels 2012. Feature article in Aquatic Biology 27:13-23,Ragueneau O, Raimonet M, Mazé C, Coston-Guarini J, Chauvaud L, Danto A, Grall J, Jean F, Paulet Y-M and Thouzeau G (2018) The Impossible Sustainability of the Bay of Brest? Kinematics and electromyographic activity of horse riders during various cross-country jumps in equestrian.Cimadoro G,  Mahaffey R, Babault N (2019) Acute neuromuscular responses to short andf long roundhouse kick striking paces in professional Muay Thai fighters. Journal of Applied Physiology 100: 780-785. 118(10): 2039-2053. doi: 10.1007/s00421-018-3934-8.Siqueira A, Vieira A, Bottaro M, Fererra-Junior JB, Nobrega O, Carolino de Souza V, de Cássia Marqueti R, Babault N, Durigan JLQ (2018). Plos One. ), Corieri (P.),Langue: FR - Ref: REF00006743 - Auteurs: Wagneur (M.), Van Rickstal (F.), Van den Bossche (P.), Dekeyser (J. Marine soundscape shaped by fishing activity. ), Deneyer (A. DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.03.022.de Carvalho KL, Silva PE, Castro J, Babault N, Durigan JLQ, Marqueti RC (2017) Heigth, weight and age predict quadriceps tendon length and thickness in skeletally immature patients: Letter to the editor.Silva PE, Babault N, Mazullo JB, Pereira de Oliveira T, Lemos BL,  Carvalho PT VO, Durigan JLQ (2017) Safety and feasibility of a neuromuscular electrical stimulation chronaxie-based protocol in critical ill patients: a prospective observational study. ), Wuyts (D.),Langue: EN - Ref: REF00006630 - Auteurs: Crispin (C.), De Geetere (L.), Ingelaere (B. Validation of trophic and anthropic underwater noise as settlement trigger in blue mussels. 19(2): 1166-176 doi: 10.1080/17461391.2018.1497090.Cometti C, Paizis C, Casteleira A, Pons G, Babault N (2018).