La situation en Libye se complique avec l’apparition, dans un ciel déjà bien encombré, de nouveaux avions arrivés en riposte à l’avancée des troupes du GNA appuyées par la Turquie Pour le chercheur Ahmed Rouadjia, afin d'assurer sa sécurité, l'Algérie pourrait y être favorable. mercredi 17 juin 2020 Libye: bras de fer entre la Russie et la Turquie | Sky Belgique #Sky_Belgique. Russia has printed millions of dollars’ worth of Libyan bank notes and shipped them to Mr. Hifter. Russia's great disadvantage in Libya, unlike in Syria, is the fact that it supports an internationally unrecognised warlord who does not even have authority over the oil that is in its control areas. After Syria, Turkey Seeks to Partner With Russia in Libya Ankara, which supports U.N.-backed government in Tripoli, is wary of slipping into proxy war with Moscow “NATO sees Russia as a threat. Le coup est de taille et il est signé "Russie" : une frappe aérienne a été menée contre la base aérienne d'al-Watiya en Libye que l'OTAN occupe depuis peu par Ankara interposé et où il détenait les batteries de missiles américaines MIM-23 Hawk, en prévision évidemment des attaques visant les MiG-29S russes chargés de contrer l'avancée de l'axe Turquie-OTAN vers Syrte. The group is believed to be led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Russian oligarch known as “Putin's chef” due to … Depuis le renversement et le meurtre du dirigeant libyen, Mouammar al-Kadhafi, en 2011, la Libye est devenue un État divisé. Russia expands war presence in Libya. Turkey’s recent intervention in Libya is intensifying a proxy war and regional energy competition that threaten vital U.S. interests, while Washington mostly observes from the sidelines. Shifting dynamics on the ground in Libya have established Turkey and Russia as the main power-brokers in the conflict. By . Russia transferred at least two types of military equipment into Libya, pointing to a Mig-29A fighter jet operating at the Al Jufra airbase on May 18 and a Sukhoi SU-24 supersonic attack aircraft operating from both Al Jufra and Al Khadim airbases on the same day as well as “a main battle tank upgrade” for an unidentified Russian private military company. La Russie et la Turquie s’opposent en Libye mais se retrouvent autour d’un gazoduc. Russia saw another angle: Using Khaftar to project power in North Africa, Russian firms have solidified energy deals in eastern Libya, and Vladimir Putin has made overtures to Khaftar about establishing a Russian port at Benghazi. The frigate was part of the EU’s Irini mission aimed at stopping embargoed arms reaching Libya. The control of the oil rich province, as well as Jufra airbase, seems to be a top priority for both, Moscow and Ankara. La Russie se trouve de surcroît en Libye en lien avec l’Égypte, l’Arabie saoudite et les Émirats Arabes Unis ; ces États – notamment les Émirats - voient dans le gouvernement de Tripoli le dernier rejeton islamiste des "printemps arabes", qu’il convient d’éliminer. La crise libyenne pourrait prendre une nouvelle tournure : la Russie envisagerait de soutenir le général Haftar, rival du gouvernement pro-occidental. Belgrade (Special to Informed Comment) - The Libya’s civil war intensifies as Russia and Turkey are expected to negotiate the fate of strategically important coastal city of Sirte. La Libye est le ventre mou qui permet à la Russie de pousser ses pions en Afrique. Turkey and Russia Are at War, and Libya’s the Loser. La Turquie et la Russie sont aux côtés opposés du conflit libyen. Consequently, in 2015, Russia hosted Khaftar on a diplomatic visit and began providing him small assistance. La Russie et la Turquie, qui jouent un rôle de premier plan pour un cessez-le-feu en Libye, ne semblent pas s’entendre sur les modalités d’une trêve durable. MOBILE VIEW. This right is only vested in the country's state-owned oil company, the so-called National Oil Corporation (NOC), which has its headquarters in Tripoli. James Stavridis. The US, often accused of neglecting Libya and in doing so allowing Russia, Turkey and the UAE to grab rival footholds, has promised to deploy its full “diplomatic arsenal” to broker a peace. Turkey’s relations with Russia are usually regarded as a zero-sum game in terms of its relations with the US. Russia and Turkey seem to be on the brink of a serious confrontation in Libya, while simultaneously supporting opposing sides in the civil war in Syria. How has Russia forced Turkey to compromise on Libya? “Although Turkey and Russia are effectively supporting opposing sides, they appear set on a deeper engagement over Libya,” Dalay wrote in the moderate Islamist daily Karar. By Amy Mackinnon | June 19, 2020, 3:53 PM. En Libye, la Turquie est à l’ouest, la Russie à l’est. The July 22 Turkish-Russian joint statement on Libya shows Moscow has succeeded in forcing Ankara to compromise. Les mercenaires russes, engagés depuis 2018 en Libye, y ont combattu des rebelles syriens, enrôlés par la Turquie, tandis que Moscou transfère en Libye des mercenaires pro-Assad. Russia's most significant intervention in Libya is also in the form of a private security firm, namely the Wagner Group, which fights on the battlefield on the side of Hifter's forces. “By the time the soldiers left the ship, they had not found anything suspicious,” a German Defense Ministry spokesman said. The failed siege of Tripoli is an opening for peace, but only if the outside players end their proxy war. But Libyan analysts say Syrians are already in eastern Libya strengthening Haftar’s defenses. Turkish forces will support the UN-backed government in Libya as it battles an insurgency. Russia has generally found it harder than Turkey to build a Syrian proxy force in Libya. Turkey, Russia and the Libyan conundrum. Russia denies the allegation. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Libyan Prime Minister (not seen) hold a joint press conference at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on June 4, 2020. Turkey accuses Russia of having about 2,500 mercenaries in Libya to support the UN-backed administration's main rival, Gen Khalifar Haftar. Dimanche, le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, Sergueï Lavrov, et le ministre de la Défense, Sergey Shoygu, se sont rendus en Turquie et tiennent des réunions sur la situation en Libye. The US has identified over a dozen Russia warplanes in Libya, marking Moscow's first direct venture into the North African country. Dimanche 14 juin, le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, Sergueï Lavrov, et son homologue de la Défense, Sergueï Choïgou, étaient attendus à Istanbul ; mais cette visite a été annulée à la dernière minute. Russia’s rhetorical support for a peace settlement in Libya has been greeted with skepticism, as the Kremlin-aligned Wagner Group, a Russian paramilitary organisation, has deployed between 1,400 to 2,000 private military contractors (PMCs) to support the Libya National Army (LNA) chieftain Khalifa Haftar’s offensive against Tripoli. L’appui aérien russe à l’armée de Khalifa Haftar vient contrebalancer celui de la Turquie aux forces de Tripoli. Russia and Turkey’s Proxy War in Libya Heats Up The oil-rich African nation is in danger of becoming the next Syria. But France is trying to increase Russia’s influence.” He clarified that Ankara is “working with the Russians for a ceasefire,” while France led by Macron uses a “colonialist approach” in Libya, just like it did back in 2011, when Paris “bombed and left.”